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Why do our users love 20squats ?

Office worker

That’s a perfect fitness website. I had real problems with my health until I found it. Training here is more complex and that’s exactly what I was looking for. Good job!

Startup CEO

My entire life is a little project so I literally live in the office 24/7. This service is the only way to do exercises for me. It helped me to keep fit whenever I am. I advised it to all my friends and colleagues and some of them started using it too.


It’s a nice product. I don’t have much money to afford a private coach or expensive gym membership, but the membership here provides affordable online workouts from professional coaches. I found the exercises here really effective, they helped me a lot.

Construction worker

I didn’t need exercises to gain muscles, I needed some advice for strengthening my back. This website has a lot of them and I’m happy.


Never was it so easy to build biceps but this service makes it possible. I really enjoy it. Everything is pretty clear and without unnecessary information. Awesome!


It’s a great option. Another way to stay at home and work on your body. Less text and more practice, that's how I’d describe it. I don’t need to visit a gym again so I saved hours by staying at home and exercising in my bedroom.

Web developer

Sitting in front of the monitor all day obviously isn’t good for me. I was looking for a resource where I could train and get in shape a little after a hard day in the office. I found it here, a great service!


It’s a new way of working out that I have enjoyed. The activities and exercises are productive and interesting. I will continue to use this resource.

Java developer

That’s a really cool sports platform. I don’t have to worry about what exercise I need to do, I just open it and start working out, a perfect option for me and all my friends. We use it every day and we have already noticed the results.


I’m really into it. Amazing helper for the ones who are looking for a personal coach online. Basic and advanced levels are included so I could start with easy activities and upgrade to harder ones over time. Love it!


When you work for yourself you are much busier. It is impossible for me to find time for getting to the gym and back, so this platform was a great solution for me. I can control the time and place and get in shape in a short period of time. I can definitely recommend it.


I’m keen on building my muscles but I have little free time. That platform is an amazing place with plenty of exercises for different groups of muscles. I also found new approaches that I really enjoyed. You are the best!