Work on Your Muscles

Training type
Muscle group
Jogging, Jump with Jog Back, Bicycle, Wood Chopping
Jogging, Jump with Jog Back, Bicycle, Wood Chopping

Gluteus, Calves, Abs, Core, Quads, Upper Back, Lower Back, Hamstrings, Thighs, Obliques

Level: Beginner

Basic Jump, Bell Jump, Side to Side, Side Straddle, Jumping Twists
Basic Jump, Bell Jump, Side to Side, Side Straddle, Jumping Twists

Gluteus, Calves, Abs, Core, Quads, Hamstrings, Obliques

Level: Intermediate

Side-Kick Squat, Curtsy Squat, Squat Walk, Frog Squats, Squat Pulse
Side-Kick Squat, Curtsy Squat, Squat Walk, Frog Squats, Squat Pulse

Gluteus, Calves, Abs, Quads, Hamstrings, Obliques

Level: Intermediate

Lateral Lunge with Raise - Right, Lateral Lunge with Raise - Left, Squat to Heel Raise, Sumo Squat, Plank to Jump Squat
Lateral Lunge with Raise - Right, Lateral Lunge with Raise - Left, Squat to Heel Raise, Sumo Squat, Plank to Jump Squat

Gluteus, Calves, Chest, Abs, Quads, Triceps, Hamstrings, Obliques, Biceps

Level: Intermediate

Twisted Mountain Climber, Plank with Feed on Box, High Plank with Feed on Box, Plank with Knee Tap, Glute Bridge March
Twisted Mountain Climber, Plank with Feed on Box, High Plank with Feed on Box, Plank with Knee Tap, Glute Bridge March

Gluteus, Calves, Arms, Chest, Abs, Core, Quads, Upper Back, Triceps, Hamstrings, Obliques, Biceps

Level: Intermediate

Shoulder Tap and Jack, V-UP+Hold, Side High Plank - Left, Side High Plank - Right, Hollow Rock with Hold
Shoulder Tap and Jack, V-UP+Hold, Side High Plank - Left, Side High Plank - Right, Hollow Rock with Hold

Gluteus, Calves, Arms, Chest, Abs, Core, Quads, Upper Back, Triceps, Hamstrings, Obliques, Biceps

Level: Intermediate

Cross-Body Row - Right, Cross-Body Row - Left, Standing Banded Triceps Extension, Hollow Body Hold to Crunch, Penguin Crunch
Cross-Body Row - Right, Cross-Body Row - Left, Standing Banded Triceps Extension, Hollow Body Hold to Crunch, Penguin Crunch

Shoulders, Arms, Abs, Core, Upper Back, Lower Back, Triceps, Obliques, Biceps

Level: Beginner

Single-Leg Row - Right, Single-Leg Row - Left, Seated Row, Concentration Biceps Curl, Standing Chest Press
Single-Leg Row - Right, Single-Leg Row - Left, Seated Row, Concentration Biceps Curl, Standing Chest Press

Shoulders, Arms, Abs, Core, Upper Back, Lower Back, Triceps, Obliques, Biceps

Level: Intermediate

Incline Chest Press, Triceps Kickback, Bent-Over Row, Lean Planche Push Ups, Concentrations Curl
Incline Chest Press, Triceps Kickback, Bent-Over Row, Lean Planche Push Ups, Concentrations Curl

Shoulders, Arms, Chest, Abs, Core, Quads, Upper Back, Triceps, Obliques, Biceps

Level: Intermediate