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1. Lie face down on the mat. Rest your elbows on the floor and lift your feet to an elevated position (like an armchair, chair, or bench). Start lifting each leg up in turn, as high as you can. 2. Lay back on the mat with one feet flat on the ground and another one - on an elevated surface. Start lifting your hips off the ground until your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line. Try to squeeze your gluteus hard keeping your abs drawn in in order to not overextend your back during the exercise. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds and get down to the starting position.
Gluteus, Calves, Core, Quads, Hamstrings
Gluteus, Calves, Quads, Lower Back, Hamstrings
Level: Beginner
Gluteus, Shoulders, Quads, Lower Back
Level: Beginner
Abs, Core, Quads, Upper Back, Triceps, Hamstrings, Biceps
Level: Beginner
Gluteus, Calves, Arms, Legs, Core, Quads
Level: Beginner
Abs, Core, Quads, Upper Back, Triceps, Hamstrings, Biceps
Level: Beginner
Shoulders, Abs, Upper Back, Obliques
Level: Beginner
Back, Arms, Legs, Abs, Core, Quads
Level: Intermediate
Gluteus, Shoulders, Arms, Abs, Quads, Upper Back, Obliques
Level: Intermediate
Arms, Legs, Abs, Core
Level: Intermediate