Clam Shell in Supine Position, Glute Bridge Knees In And Out, Side Plank Leg Lifts Variation

Clam Shell in Supine Position, Glute Bridge Knees In And Out, Side Plank Leg Lifts Variation

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1. Lay back on a mat with your hips lifted, and knees bent. Put an elastic band on your ankles. Start moving your legs to the sides in slow and smooth motion. Then bring them back together. 2. Lay back on a mat with your shoulders on the mat, your knees bent, feet on the wall, and your palms on the mat. Put an elasic band on your hips closer to the knees. Start moving your gluteus up and down in a smooth and slow tempo. At the same time keep moving your hips to the sides. 3. Start from a side-plank position with your elbow on the mat and elastic band in the center of your lower ankle from the one side, and on your feet from the other side. Holding the bodyweight on your upper leg, and contracting your abs, begin lifting your lower leg up and down.

Muscle groups:

Gluteus, Legs, Quads, Lower Back


Elastic Band, Yoga Mat

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