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1.Stand with your feet shoulder wide and knees slightly bend. Bend your knees and squat down engaging gluteus, quads, and hamstrings to push the body up and off the floor. 2.Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift your left leg up so that your hip and knee form the 90-degree angle. Then put it back to the ground and repeat the same movement with the other leg. Repeat switching the legs and moving opposite arms up as in running movement. 3.From a high-plank position prepare yourself to a leap by engaging and tightening your core. Jump toward your hands, landing in a frog-like position. Hold it for a second, keeping your hands held to the floor. 4.Stand up with your legs together, slightly bent in knees, and hands resting on thighs. Keeping the knees bent, open the arms and legs out to the sides. Get your arms up to the head while legs wider than shoulders. Then, get your arms and legs back to your sides, returning to the starting position. 5.Put your hands and toes on the mat. Keep your arms straight, but don't lock your elbows. Align your feet making the straight line with your arms and core. Inhailing, bend your elbows and lower your chest to the ground slowly. Straighten your arms to lift your core up, exhailing. 6.Do a push-up and jump up after that. Being in the air try to bend your knees.
Gluteus, Calves, Legs, Core, Quads, Biceps
Gluteus, Calves, Arms, Legs, Abs, Core
Level: Intermediate
Calves, Abs, Core, Quads, Inner Thighs
Level: Intermediate
Arms, Legs, Abs, Core
Level: Intermediate
Back, Arms, Legs, Abs, Core
Level: Intermediate
Gluteus, Legs, Abs, Core, Quads
Level: Intermediate
Gluteus, Arms, Legs, Core, Lower Back
Level: Intermediate
Back, Arms, Legs, Abs, Core
Level: Intermediate
Arms, Legs, Abs, Core, Quads
Level: Intermediate
Gluteus, Calves, Shoulders, Abs, Core, Quads, Lower Back, Triceps, Hamstrings, Biceps
Level: Advanced