V-Ups, Leg Circles, Windshield Wipers, Side Plank, Hollow Body Hold

V-Ups, Leg Circles, Windshield Wipers, Side Plank, Hollow Body Hold

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1. Lay on your back with your legs straight, arms along your body, and palms facing down at your sides. Inhaling, brace your core and push your chest up simultaneously with your legs towards each other. 2. Lay on your back with your legs straight, arms along your body, and palms facing down at your sides. Lift your legs off the floor. Start making circles in one direction, then change it to the opposite direction. 3. Lay on your back with your legs straight and your arms spread out to the sides. Lift your legs off the floor. Engage your abs and move your legs towards the right side. Then turn them to the left. Turn your legs only as far as you can control. 4. Lie down on your fitness mat on the left side. Position your elbow directly under your right shoulder. Stuck your legs, knees, ankles, and feet together. Raise your hips up and hold this position for 15-30 seconds. 5. Lay on your back with your legs straight, your feet together, toes pointed, and your arms along your body. Tighten your core and engage your abs and pelvis to lift your upper back and legs off the floor.

Muscle groups:

Gluteus, Shoulders, Core, Quads, Upper Back, Lower Back, Hamstrings, Biceps


No Equipment

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